This class will focus on simplification. Simplification is the best means of planning and transforming what you see in a painting. The overall objective is to show the vast range and flexibility of watercolor and to put emotion and conviction into painting by exploring, experimenting and developing the creativity of each individual.


Beverly is a professional artist with a studio located in Trophy Club, Texas, where she actively pursues her profession.  She enjoys painting a variety of subject matter including, florals, landscapes, figurative and portraits.  She recently became interested in photography, partially due to her grandchildren. 

Beverly is currently represented in the Frame Up Gallery in Mt. Vernon, Texas and The Last Gallery in McKinney, Texas. She is a past and present member of the following art associations:  Signature Member of the Outdoor Painters Society, Signature Member of Southwest Watercolor Society, Pastel Society of the Southwest and Oil Painters of America.

She has participated in selected exhibitions where she has won numerous awards including:

Pastel Society of the Southwest Dallas 1999, Still Life Award, Dallas 2001, Merit Award, Pastel Society of the West Coast, San Diego, California, Western Federation of Watercolor Societies, 1999, Award of Excellence, "Art Splash" Graham, Texas, Still Life Award 2006, Selected in National Top 100 "Arts for the Parks" Miniature Division, 2004

fridays 1:30 PM-4:00 PM

Winter Session: 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2

Spring Session: 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27



You will need only a few basic brushes: 1" flat, 1/2" flat, large round (#6, #7 or #8)

Small round or rigger

Silver Black Velvet 3/8" Striper

Also scraping tools, palette knifes, old credit cards, etc.

I use the mop brushes, and if you already have some, please bring them. If you don't, I don't require them as they are quite expensive.


Suggested: 140 lb cold press or 140 lb rough

Sketchbook or other loose paper for sketches and value studies


Cadmium Lemon, Cadmium Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Raw Sienna, Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue, Cobalt Blue, Cerulean Blue, Indantherene Blue, Quinacridone Gold, Turquoise, Burnt Umber, Neutral Tint, Viridian or Sap Green

PALETTE - Any palette will do


Water container wide enough for your widest brush

Water-resistant board -- needs to be slightly larger than your paper

Sponge, #2 pencils, Bulldog clips ore masking tape, spray bottle, paper towels and kneaded eraser

Easel or something to vary the angle as you paint

Photographs for subject matter