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March 6-9, 2018




Flow in water, flow in brushwork, flow in composition, flow in color, flow in process, flow in mindset

Who should attend:

Intermediate students who have a solid understanding of paint, paper and brushes; who can control the watercolor painting techniques such as wet in wet, wet on dry, dry brush, glazing, and who are ready to or are exploring beyond the basics.

Course Description:

The workshop aims to help students who have a solid basis in watercolor painting to explore the innate nature of the medium. It will introduce the process of responding to the organic development (and surprises) of the painting, while striving to express the artist’s emotion and impulses. Almost every artist wishes to break away from what they know and to paint like a kid. This workshop will focus on this process and help students loosen up.

In the 4-day workshop, the students will bring materials from their life to develop subjects to work on. They will then develop strategies of design, color scheme, and visual effects. There will be demonstration, critique and lots of time working. 

The objectives of the workshop:

Introduce loose, suggestive and expressive painting techniques

Introduce the process that balances between controlling and letting go, and between driving toward goals and responding to surprises.

About the Instructor: 

In his large-scale watercolors, artist and creative director Stephen Zhang freezes fleeting moments: an old man caught in the moment or intriguing light deep in the forest. On the subtle level, Zhang hints at the grave concern that the current state of nature may change permanently. In his portraits, he builds rich layers of stories and emotions. Growing up in China, Zhang is influenced by Chinese Daoism. As a result, he has a special connection with watercolor due to its organic process and captivating appearance.

Zhang has exhibited internationally and has been featured in international art publications. His work has garnered awards from prestigious art associations including the Transparent Watercolor Society of America and the American Portrait Society.

Material list:

Paper: 140 lb. watercolor paper (Arches, Fabriano, etc). Cold press, hot press or rough. 22x30”. 5 sheets.

Professional grade paints

Quality brushes: flat and rounded, medium to large. Hake brush 1, 2 inch

Reference photos

Board large enough for the paper, painters tape