Artists dinner & social gathering: April 7
Quick Paint: April 8
APRIL 9th - Special Sunday hours 1 PM to 5 PM, Artists Demonstrations 2 PM to 4 PM
Opening Reception and Awards: April 8th, 3 PM to 6 PM
Kenn Erroll Backhaus Workshop #1: April 10 - 12 (full)
Kenn Erroll Backhaus Workshop #2: April 13 - 15
Juror of Awards
Plein Air Southwest Salon is a juried plein air competition, exhibition and sale sponsored by the Outdoor Painters Society and showcased each April in Dallas, Texas. The Salon features plein air paintings from the "best of the best" painters working today.
Plein Air Southwest Salon has earned the reputation as one of the premier events of Spring. The Outdoor Painters Society sponsors the event to promote an appreciation for the process of painting “en plein air” which is French for “in open air”. Most works are completed in a single painting session, painted outdoors on location and are characterized by the bold use of color, design and the freshness of paint application.

Featured Salon Artists
• Master Signature Members •
Tina Bohlman, John Cook, Fran Ellisor, Kaye Franklin, Diane Frossard, Ann Hardy, Rusty Jones, John Potoschnick
• Signature Members •
Chase Almond, Suzie Baker, Beverly Boren, Nancy Boren, Ted Clemens, Judy Crowe, Laurel Daniel, Carol Devereaux, Mark Farina, Dina Gregory, Carolyn Hesse-Low, William Kalwick, Christy Kidwell, Peggy Kingsbury, Ann Larsen, John Lasater, Jimmy Longacre, Will Maller, Ned Mueller, Susan Neumann, Richard Prather, Robert Rohm, Jason Sacran, Randy Saffle, Cecy Turner
• Associate Members •
Deena Ball, Poppy Balser, Bob Beck, Donna Bland, Liz Bonhma, Lon Brauer, Jeannie Breeding, Kent Brewer, Maryann Brummer, Jane Chapin, Caroyln Cobb, Janelle Cox, Larry DeGraff, Linda Dellandre, Stuart Fullerton, Laura Gable, Kadin Goldbrg, Michael Holter, Ellen Howard, Olivette Hubler, Jane Hunt, Peggy Immel, Jean-Pierre Jacquet, Ann Jenemann, Joni Jurek
Sheryl Knight, Janis Krendick, Allen Kriegshauser, Ron Larson, Debra Latham, Lee MacLeod, Spencer Meagher, Lorie Merfeld-Batson, Elain Monnig, Suzanne Morris, Tim Oliver, Sandra Place, John Pototschnik, Henry Prikryl, Jeanne Reavis, Ann Rogers, Stuart Roper, Cynthia Rosen, Lawrence Rudolech, Val Sandell, Patrick Saunders, Robert Simone, Richard Sneary, R. Gregory Summers, Richard Szkutnik, Louise Thies, Sherri THomas, Melanie Thompson