OCT 20-22  | 9AM - 4 PM


Workshop Description

Learning to discover one’s self as you free yourself to paint in an emotionally expressive way.  Explore the approach to intuitive painting using movement, shapes, and layered colors. Dare to begin without a definite plan and pull it together with a thoughtful and exciting finish. We will explore the use of color, line, texture, structure and composition and experiment with different concepts and techniques. Workshop is open to acrylic  artists working on canvas or paper, and oil painters on canvas or smooth panels. Two demos will be given one in acrylic and one in oil. Students are encouraged to work on more than one painting a day and should have ample canvas/paper to work with each day.



Judy is a native East Texan and now resides in the beautiful and peaceful setting of Holly Lake Ranch, Texas. Growing up amidst the natural and colorful settings of East Texas is reflected in her colorful abstract oil landscapes. She began painting in her early 20’s while raising a family of three, taking every opportunity to study art through classes and workshops. Her studies have included private ateliers with master artists. Her work has been exhibited in many national and international exhibitions and one-woman shows. Judy has won numerous awards for her paintings, and her work can be found in private and public collections throughout the United States.


Artist Statement

My style is expressionist to impressionist with bold and vibrant colors. My mediums include but are not limited to pastel, water-media and oil. I believe there is a strong human response to color and it reflects and affects our moods. My painting begins with a broad wash of color and rhythms. I establish a strong design structure and color harmony. Each layer reveals more forms and shapes. The use of lines and textures add intrigue and interest to the surface. My intention is to keep the elements universal and invite the viewer to experience it on an emotional level as well as visually. Even when I make a choice to use a subject such as a still life, landscape or figure, the elements of form, line, color and texture are my focus. I love the delicacy, vigor and beauty in them apart from the subject.

"I find that art is a part of how we live. I hope that my art reflects how I see life....with great appreciation and gratitude!"


  • Impressionist Landscape and Still Life
  • Contemporary Colorful/Textural Abstracts
  • Expressionist Pet Portraits in Oil and Pastel



  • 2 reds (a warm and a cool)
  • 2 yellows (a warm and a cool)
  • White
  • Thalo blue
  • Ultramarine blue
  • Cadmium Red Light
  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Cadmium Yellow Light
  • Titanium White
  • Any other colors you like
  • Ampersand the artist panel (smooth primed wood flat or cradled)
  • Canvas
  • Brushes - bristle and softer hair such as badger or sable
  • Palette knives
  • Paper Towels
  • Kleenex
  • Odorless turp
  • 2 turp jars

Fluid Acrylics

  • 2 reds ( a warm and a cool)
  • 2 blues (a warm and a cool)
  • 2 yellows (a warm and a cool)
  • Gesso for white instead of white acrylic
  • Chromo Interactive Acrylics
  • 2 reds (a warm and a cool)
  • 2 blues (a warm and a cool)
  • 2 yellows (a warm and a cool
  • Brushes suitable for you medium and support size.
  • Ampersand the artists panel (smooth primed wood flat or cradled (for oil or acrylic)
  • Canvas (for oil or acrylic)
  • 300 lb watercolor paper (for acrylic) and support board if using paper
  • Paper towels
  • Water containers and spray bottle